I've been making these burgers for years and tend to just add a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It was interesting tonight to measure out the ingredients exactly. I use 500 grams of mince, which will make around 4 adult and 2 kids sized patties. The salt is what keeps the burgers together, as there is no egg in this mix. I know these caramelised onions sound a little strange, but this is a cheats way to a rich caramel flavour.
Burger Patties
500 grams premium beef mince
1/2 red or brown onion diced
3 tablespoons tomato paste concentrate
1/2 teaspoon Maldon sea salt flakes
1/4 cup dried stuffing mix (sage and onion or whatever flavour you prefer)
1 slice of cheddar cheese per patty
Combine all ingredients (except cheese) in a bowl, using your hands. Use a hamburger press to create firm, neat patties. Spray patties with a little olive oil spray and cook on one side in a frypan. Flip patties over, then after about a minute place a slice of cheese on each patty. Loosely cover the frypan with a piece of foil. This allows the cheese to melt perfectly over the patty.
Create burgers with turkish rolls, cooked patties, caramelised onions, aioli, avocado, tomato and rocket.
Caramelised Onions
2 small red or brown onions sliced
1 teaspoon butter
2 tablespoons soy sauce (can be substituted with balsamic vinegar)
3 tablespoons brown sugar
Cook onions and butter over medium heat in a small heavy bottomed saucepan with the lid on, until onions are soft. Remove lid and turn heat to low. Add sugar and soy sauce, cooking for around 10-15 minutes, until onions are sticky and dark brown in colour. Stir occasionally, to ensure they don't burn. This makes enough for roughly 4 burgers. These caramelised onions are also great in savoury tarts.
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